You won't lag behind, because you'll have the speed. You'll pass the whole gang and you’ll soon take the lead. Wherever you fly, you'll be the best of the best.Wherever you go, you will top all the rest. Oh, the Places You'll Go! Dr. Seuss (1990)

Sunday, April 27, 2008


So I just finished typing up the instructions for one of the projects I'm doing for Lovebug Scrapbooking ( and it's killing me not to post the picture, or tell you what it is!!!!!! All I can say is that for one of the two projects I chose to feature "jump rings". Why would you be concerned or excited about that?? Because it's really quite funny. Apparently I used up the quota of the four remaining brain cells I have left when I chose these things, because in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM were they ANYTHING like what I thought they were!!!!! :-O

Well holy crap!!! I'd known we had some at our store, but do you think that came to mind??? NO. Do you think I'd had even an inkling from the amount of noise coming from the package when you shake it what kind of "rings" they were? HELL NO! I would've given anything to see the look my face must've had when I opened the package...really. I don't think they could've scripted something like that in any movie!!

So then my mind was racing....what the heck? what the HECK??? Didn't I have a coffee this morning? Did I upset the cosmos for this cruel trick of impossibility??? Oh the one really kick-ass project I'd had in mind went flying out the window as fast as my grocery bill rings up!!!

ANYHOOOOOOOOOOO....the one I came up with is really quite fun. I can't wait to show you!!!

I'm happy to say that this experience has solidified my belief that there are NO mistakes in scrapbooking...only opportunities. I am, however, trying to bank some karma points so that this never happens again. ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL, I always get a kick out of you, jump rings, I get a lot of ppl looking for those ;) Can't wait to see what you did!!