You won't lag behind, because you'll have the speed. You'll pass the whole gang and you’ll soon take the lead. Wherever you fly, you'll be the best of the best.Wherever you go, you will top all the rest. Oh, the Places You'll Go! Dr. Seuss (1990)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Feet and "Me"...bizarre combo, eh?

Ordinarily I don't like feet, unless they're in socks. Or, unless you're under 2 years of age...then I'm some kind of freak...taking off baby socks and stuffing stinky little baby toes up my nose...gotta love it!!!! I took this pic of Logan's dirty little feet a couple of months ago...I take a lot of "feet" pictures...not sure why, really, but "just in case" idea, don't ask...but what if one becomes Prime Minister, or an Olympic athlete??? Gotta have that "where will these feet take you" pics ;-)

And then there's me....The one thing I hate worse than taking a self-pic, is actually having to scrap it!! Nope. Not on my fave list at ALL. But I can step up to the plate, so to speak, down a package of pre-selected chocolate and, voila!!! ART!!! LOL

I wish all of you mothers out there a very Happy Mother's Day!!! You deserve the standing ovation I'm giving all of'm also standing to avoid booger-feeling oatmeal spilled by Thing 1 on the computer chair, but that's a story for another day ;-)


Anonymous said...

This is it.

Sheryl from Lovebug

Anonymous said...

Loving these as usual :)