You won't lag behind, because you'll have the speed. You'll pass the whole gang and you’ll soon take the lead. Wherever you fly, you'll be the best of the best.Wherever you go, you will top all the rest. Oh, the Places You'll Go! Dr. Seuss (1990)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Yes, I am alive....

If I had've taken any longer of a hiatus from posting, I'd be brushing cobwebs off of myself!!! SHEESH!! You'd think I had five kids or sumpthin' ;-)
Where to begin??? passion for scrapbooking has been renewed with a vengence!!! Two passions, really....Close to My Heart (, and Tina's Scrapbooking ( Let me fill you in on both!!!
Tina's store is located in Winchester. Why would I pick something a little further away? Because of the variety of selection and the total awesomeness that is Tina. She won't even charge you for her awesomeness ;-) I've so far completed a few layouts, cards, and a TOTALLY awesomely wicked Christmas MUST check it out if you're in the neighbourhood of her...I'm quite pleased with how it turned out. Yes, I admit that sounds a little cocky, but given my "understanding" that I'd let her choose a "mini" album...I thought it was an, oh, 6x6 or something.

NOPE. This thing has SECTIONS...complete with tabs!!! I used every single scrap of paper she'd left in my package. You must-see.

I've since completed some layouts, which I'll post here, and which will soon be in her store, so you can get the goodies!!

For my personal scrappin'...I have a new addiction to altering photo know, the ones that have multi-photo-ability (can you tell it's past my bedtime???). ANYhooooooo...for Christmas gifts for the grandparents, I made these multi-photo serving trays into...YUP.

...a "mini scrapbook".

And now....on to "Close To My Heart". I've had an epiphany, of sorts. I'm so "gung-ho" it's crazy!!! I will no longer be doing a personal "Hostess Club". If any of you wish to accumlate some gals pals and we meet at YOUR place? FUN FUN FUN!!! :-) You'd need another 5 gals plus yourself...I can let you know how it works for some FREE stuff!!

So NOW I can focus on doing classes :-) I love teaching!! Or, really, just getting to hang out with my OWN gal pals and chit chat whilst drinking some java and munching on something sweet. ;-)

My goal is to get a newsletter up and running before the month's end...any sooner and you might just see me on the news. Not so good.
I made this little layout with all CTMH product...this stuff really IS the schizzle :-) Lovin' it!!!
I'll keep you posted about new stuff I'm working on, I promise!!! In the meantime, keep creative!! xo


peata said...

sweet mini...

Anonymous said...

Missed your blogs glad you are back :)