You won't lag behind, because you'll have the speed. You'll pass the whole gang and you’ll soon take the lead. Wherever you fly, you'll be the best of the best.Wherever you go, you will top all the rest. Oh, the Places You'll Go! Dr. Seuss (1990)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Who knew??

Oh man, seriously...who knew this eleventyzillion dollar machine could actually DO something??? ;-) Check out the "flowers"!!! I also wanted to do something with all of the Stampin' Up! stuff I have hoarded, afraid to use because, well, because then it would be GONE....LOL!!!
So the trick is to actually use a little elbow grease and give your shapes some TEXTURE...I cut out all the shapes of the flowers in descending sizes, then crimped or pinched where needed. I outlined the "purely pomegranite" flower with my Stardust clear pen....mmmmmmmmm....sparkle-y...

Anyways, the picture is of ME. I was Hannah's age :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is my Fav by you so far, it's awsome!!