You won't lag behind, because you'll have the speed. You'll pass the whole gang and you’ll soon take the lead. Wherever you fly, you'll be the best of the best.Wherever you go, you will top all the rest. Oh, the Places You'll Go! Dr. Seuss (1990)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

So here we go...

Enter stage left, blogging.

But that's okay, because this one is for ME...all about ME, and what I love to do...scrapbook. Good thing, too, having...are you sitting down?...FIVE children!!! How the heck do you imagine I could possibly remember all the little comings and goings of their lives without being able to scrapbook them??

Ironically, I get out of the house more NOW, than I did when I only had my firstborn. Really? Really. Of course, I have about a trazillion less brain cells than I did back then, but whatever...I can function ;-)


Christina said...

Great blog Pattie! It's Christina from SBT :). I just started a blog last month for my girls- not scrapbook related but in a way i guess it is. I'd love to add you as a link if you'd like! Drop me a comment! :)
Take care!

Anonymous said...

Hi Pattie, It's Tammy from SBT. Your site is great! You are so talented to have so little time! I'll come back here and visit often!
Tammy in Graceville, FL